Prescribed Fire Management


Prescribed burning pile, taken in 2019


Prescribed Fire, also known as a planned fire, refers to the planned application of fire by a team of fire experts under specified weather conditions that help restore health to fire-adapted environments. By safely reducing excessive amounts of brush, shrubs, and trees, encouraging the new growth of native vegetation, and maintaining the many plant and animal species whose habitats depend on periodic fire, prescribed burning helps reduce the catastrophic damage of wildfire on our lands and surrounding communities.

Prescribed fire is one of the most effective tools we have in preventing the outbreak and spread of wildfires. But because prescribed fire is fire, fire management experts are extremely careful in planning and executing a prescribed fire.

DFPC's Role in Prescribed Fire
  • Technical assistance in project design, planning
  • Assist state and other agencies with implementation of Rx fire
  • DFPC resources and staff assist state and other agencies with the implementation of prescribed fire. For more information, contact Kirk Will, Unit Chief, Prescribed Fire and Fuels Program at kirk.will@state.co.us
Pile Volume Calculator (download to edit)


Certified Burner Program

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