What is the Process for Developing and Finalizing Recommendations?
The Colorado Fire Commission (CFC) has been charged to develop recommendations on how to address fire issues in the State. Each year in August an annual report will be prepared documenting the activities of the CFC and outlining new recommendations as well as progress on previous recommendations. Subcommittees are formed to focus on one aspect of a fire issue facing the State. Through an iterative process these subcommittees develop recommendations. All Subcommittees are made up of CFC members and Subject Matter Experts. To see the makeup of each subcommittee, visit their page using the link below The recommendations are sent to the full CFC once the Subcommittee approves them by a simple majority (51%).
The members of the CFC represent various stakeholder groups, for example Colorado State Fire Chiefs, Special Districts Association, County Sheriffs of Colorado, Colorado Professional Firefighters, etc. Prior to a full CFC vote on any recommendation, the members will solicit input from the stakeholder group they represent on the CFC. In order for a recommendation to be adopted, the CFC must approve it with a super majority vote (66%).
Where are the recommendations in the process?
The past recommendations can be viewed by clicking the link below.