Community Risk Reduction (CRR)

About the CRR Unit
Fire analyzing flame path

The primary purpose of the CRR Unit is to:

  1. Advise and assist local jurisdictions and agencies in the effective use of Community Risk Reduction through education, technical assistance, and cooperative work;
  2. Assist Local Jurisdictions in completing their Community Risk Assessments, and advising agencies and stakeholders as they complete their Community Risk Reduction Plans, create and implement specific CRR programs, and plan and conduct an evaluation of their CRR process;
  3. Coordinate and assist local agencies in delivering Fire and Life Safety Education to Colorado residents, workers, and visitors of all ages, including delivering educational programs such as Sound Off!, Fire Extinguisher Training, and others;
  4. Working with others, plan, develop, and implement CRR training, fire and Life safety programs;
  5. Advocate for the effective use of Community Risk Reduction to local officials, stakeholders, and potential partners in communities throughout the geographic area of responsibility;
  6. Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, as EDI is integral to including all communities in Community Risk Reduction. 
Campaigns and Education

Campaigns & Public Education 


In addition to mentoring Fire and Life Safety Educators and Community Risk Reduction Specialists, the DFPC CRR Unit provides the following resources to our fire department partners at no charge:

Community Risk Assessment Support 
(We can help guide and support you through the risk assessment process.)

Augmented Reality (AR) Fire Extinguisher Prop

Safety Trailer
 (Estimated arrival Summer 2025)


Please contact our CRR Team to set up a meeting to discuss your CRR needs. 

Contact the Team

Chuck Altvater
CRRE Branch Chief
Email: Chuck.Altvater@state.co.us
Phone: 303.912.9469

Kimberly Spuhler
Community Risk Reduction Unit Chief
and North Region Specialist
Email: kim.spuhler@state.co.us
Phone: 720.916.0367

Melissa Neff
SE Community Risk Reduction Specialist
Email: melissa.neff@state.co.us
Phone: 720.916.0491

Bryce Jenkin
SW Community Risk Reduction Specialist
Email: bryce.jenkin@state.co.us
Phone: 720.916.0461

Dane van Loon
NW Community Risk Reduction Specialist
Email: dane.vanLoon@state.co.us
Phone: 720.916.4678

Paris Orona
CRRE Branch Administrative Assistant
Email: cdps_dfpc_credadmin@state.co.us
Phone: 303.239.4100


Wildfire Resilient Homes Grant Information
Division of Fire Prevention and Control logo and Wildfire Resilient Homes Grant Project 2024 Final Report Cover Page

The application period for the Wildfire Resilient Homes Grant 2024 has closed. 

A final report is now available, providing details on applications, awards, types of funded projects, and outcomes of this grant project.

Read the Final Report


Email:  cdps_dfpc_homehardeninggrant@state.co.us


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Updated: 09/23/2024

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