About Fire Commission

CO Autumn

SB19-040: Establish Colorado Fire Commission

Concerning the establishment of the Colorado fire commission, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SESSION: 2019 Regular Session

SUBJECTS: Local Government

State Government


The bill establishes the Colorado fire commission (commission) in the division of fire prevention and control in the department of public safety. The commission's purpose is to enhance public safety in Colorado through an integrated statewide process focused on the fire service's capacity to conduct fire management and use, preparedness, prevention, and response activities to safeguard lives, property, and natural resources, and increase the resiliency of local and regional communities. The commission may establish task forces to study and make recommendations on specific subjects within the commission's areas of study. The commission is repealed effective September 1, 2024, and is subject to a sunset review prior to its repeal.

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By-Laws & Protocols

By-Laws of the Colorado Fire Commission

Process and Protocols Colorado Fire Commission

Structure Descriptions

Designee Members & Proxies

Guiding Principles

CFC Guiding Principles