DFPC is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals, and we are continually making changes to improve accessibility and usability of our services. As part of this commitment, DFPC is prepared to offer reasonable accommodations for those who have difficulty engaging with our content. As an example, documents can be produced in an alternative file format upon request. To request this and other accommodations, or to discuss your needs further, please contact DFPC at cdps_dfpc_admin@state.co.us.
Healthcare: Who's on First?!
Did you know Healthcare sites are regulated by a variety of agencies in Colorado? View the slideshow below to gain a basic understanding of the variety of local, state, and federal agencies involved in healthcare facility safety, the differences and similarities between the codes that govern to these sites (the International Codes and NFPA 101 “Life Safety Code”), and what a successful partnership between all stakeholders looks like.
General email:
Health Care Construction | cdps_dfpc_health@state.co.us
Certificate of Compliance | cdps_dfpc_coc@state.co.us
Michael Garitano - Plan Review Unit Chief (NFPA 101 and IFC)
michael.garitano@state.co.us | 720-450-4728
Pete Anderson - Acute Health Care Unit Chief
pete.anderson@state.co.us | 720-880-8766
Bryan Adams - Long Term Health Care Unit Chief
bryan.adams@state.co.us | 303-921-7535
Sarah Carter - Professional Development Unit Chief
sarah.carter@state.co.us | 720-471-0325
Morgan Matthew - Fire Code Professional Development Officer
morgan.matthew@state.co.us | 720-916-0451