Sprinkler Fitters

The 2024 Sprinkler Fitter Registration Year Begins on 7/1! 

The sprinkler fitter registration year is July 1st - June 30th. Early renewal begins on June 1st. If your registration application is approved prior to July 1st, your registration will be emailed on July 1st.  To renew in good standing, the renewal window ends on July 30th. If you renew after July 30th the fee will be $75.00. Renewals applying after August 29th will be considered a Renewal Out of Good Standing (OOGS) and will need to provide all the documentation required of a new applicant, in addition to documentation of continuing education

A person other than an apprentice who is registered with the administrator and who installs fire sprinkler systems. Sprinkler Fitter does not include a person who performs maintenance and repair on Fire Suppression Systems as a part of being a direct employee or operator of the building. A Sprinkler Fitter does not include a person who performs work exclusively on cross-connection control devices or a person who performs work exclusively on an underground system. Sprinkler Fitter does not include a person performing work on their own home.

Sprinkler Fitters may only work under the employ of a registered Fire Suppression Systems Contractor or be self-employed and registered as a Fire Suppression System Contractor.

State Fitter Exam Information

 Important 2021 Code Adoption Information

Email contact: suppression@state.co.us

Approved Sprinkler Fitters

Sprinkler Fitter Rules (8 CCR 1507-11)

All Sprinkler Fitter Registrations are valid from 7/1 to 6/30 of the registration year. Renewals will not be accepted earlier than 6/1 for the current registration year.

According to 8 CCR 1507-11 5.3.3 all applications for registration shall have no longer than 30 days from the original submittal to correct deficiencies in their application including missing materials or fees. Applications older than 30 days with deficiencies will be considered vacated and applications and fees surrendered. 

Fees for Registration

  • New = $75.00
  • Renewal (Prior to July 30th) = $50.00
  • Renewal (After July 30th) = $75.00
Registration Requirements

The following documents are required in PDF format, please have them ready prior to applying.

Online Application


  • Legible copy of a valid (not expired) Drivers License or ID Card
  • EXAM
  • Evidence of 8000 hours of practical experience within the last 5 years or completion of an apprenticeship program

Renewal (Between June 1st - July 30th)

  • Legible copy of a valid (not expired) Drivers License or ID Card
  • 2.4 CEUs (24 hours) earned between 7/1 and 6/30 of the previous registration year
  • EXAM

Renewal (After July 30th - Additional Fees Due)

  • Legible copy of a valid (not expired) Drivers License or ID Card
  • 2.4 CEUs (24 hours) earned between 7/1 and 6/30 of the previous registration year
  • EXAM

Renewal (After August 29th - Out of Good Standing)

  • Legible copy of a valid (not expired) Drivers License or ID Card
  • 2.4 CEUs (24 hours) earned between 7/1 and 6/30 of the previous registration year
  • EXAM
  • Evidence of 8000 hours of practical experience within the last 5 years or completion of an apprenticeship program


CEU (Continuing Education Units) Information

Registrants must document at least 2.4 CEUs relevant to the field of fire suppression installation, testing, repair or inspection earned after 7/1 of the previous year, as indicated by the table below.

Participation as a student in a seminar related to Fire Suppression Systems conducted by a qualified organization.0.1 per hour of attendance
Fire code or building code overview classes.0.4 hours max per course
Attendance at NFPA and/or ICC code development hearings related to Fire Suppression Systems.1.0 max
Active service on a committee or board with a fire sprinkler association or organization.0.5 per committee/board
Completion of a college level course related to Fire Suppression Systems offered through a regionally accredited post-secondary institution.1.0 per credit hour earned, 3.0 max
Work experience as a registered Sprinkler Fitter during the registration period (must be documented through formal letter (see an example) from employer, contractor, project owner, project manager, or business manager for whom the project was performed)0.1 CEU per 100 hours worked, 1.6 hours max


 Payment Information


Last Updated: 9/8/2023