The Division of Fire Prevention and Control will act as the fire code official and require construction permits when the local AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) is either unable or unwilling to perform the review based on 2021 IFC Section 105.7.1 through 105.7.18.
Email contact:
Fire Suppression Program Rules (8 CCR 1507-11)
Premanufactured Suppression Systems
- Advanced Technical Services Agreement
A sign off from the local AHJ will be required on any project that includes:
Location of fire lanes Security gates across fire apparatus access roads
In accordance with Section 501.3 unless the AHJ submits an ATSA (Advanced Technical Services Agreement)
- Fire hydrant systems
- Adopted Codes
The Division of Fire Prevention and Control will act as the fire code official and require construction permits when the local AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) is either unable or unwilling to perform the review.
- Construction Projects
All construction permit applications are processed and completed online, approved drawings will be provided to the permit owner electronically and permit cards will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail at the time of project approval. For permitting information and access to the online Records Management System (RMS) please see the Permits Section.
Last Updated: 8/25/2023