Health Facilities

All work done on health facilities that is not considered as maintenance or service will require a permit and adhere to the adopted codes of the Division.

Email contact: cdps_dfpc_health@state.co.us

Adopted Codes

All work done on health facilities that is not considered as maintenance or service will require a permit and adhere to the adopted codes of the Division.

Current Adopted Codes

Projects for Permit

All permit applications are processed and completed online, approved drawings will be provided to the permit owner electronically and permit cards will be sent to the permit owner approximately 72 hours after issuance or shipped by request. For permitting information and access to the online Records Management System (RMS) please see the Permits Section.

Deferred Submittals

Fire Alarm - product data sheets, battery calculations, electronic drawings

Fire Sprinkler - product data sheets, battery calculations, electronic drawings

Kitchen Hood - product data sheets & electronic drawings

Underground - product data sheets, electronic drawings, letter from water purveyor indicating where UG fire line begins as a private service line and maintained by owner

Other approved/alternate systems - product data sheets & electronic drawings

Limited Scope Projects

As part of your Certificate of Compliance (COC) Limited Scope Projects shall be allowed and a permit is not required by the Division. All work completed shall be in accordance with the Limited Scope Project List and a log of all such work must be kept and inspect able during DFPC Licensure Life Safety Surveys.

You may use the Limited Scope Project Log created by the Division or use a log of your own, just make sure that it includes all of the outlined information.

Required Forms

Health Facility Construction Permits will require all of the forms/information below to be submitted:

Fee Calculator

Functional program - a letter on company letterhead providing what type of procedures they will perform and how they are using the space. Risk assessment assign a category (1-4) to every room in accord with NFPA 99

  • Failure of equipment/system may cause major injury or death to patient or caregiver
  • Failure of equipment/system may cause minor injury to patient or caregiver
  • Failure of equipment/system is not likely to cause injury to patient or caregiver
  • Failure of equipment/system will have no impact on patient or caregiver
Pre-Construction Meeting

Some larger, more complex projects may require a pre-construction meeting in order for you, as the applicant, to know what is needed and expected upon application. If you have questions or would like to talk to someone about a pre-construction meeting please contact the Division at 303-239-4100

If, after speaking with one of our Fire and Life Safety staff members, it has been determined that a pre-construction meeting is necessary, please complete the meeting request form. 

 Meeting Request

Payment Information


Last updated: 8/25/2023