2020 Colorado Summary by Incident Type
(please email caley.pruitt@state.co.us for more information)
In April 2020 of this year U.S. Fire Administration,(USFA) is using the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) to conduct a national-level special study on fire department responses to COVID-19., The goal of the study is to help fire departments consistently document fire department calls to suspect or confirmed incidents involving,COVID-19., Colorado has a number of fire departments participating in this national study., If your fire department would like to participate or need more information on USFA COVID-19 special study, please contact Marlinda.Acevedo@state.co.us., For NFIRS National COVID-19 Special Study Stats Dashboard,visit USFA website at,https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/nfirs/covid-19_dashboard.html