Fire Service Training and Certification Advisory Board

The “Voluntary Certification Program for Fire Fighters” began on June 21, 1979, when House Bill 1243 was signed into law. The general purpose of the certification program is to measure the level of knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by firefighters and first responders and to attest that these individuals meet nationally recognized standards. These competency-based standards permit evaluation of training programs and promotes uniformity in firefighter and first responder training.

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The Colorado Firefighter Certification Program is a voluntary program, meaning that there is no statutory
requirement that firefighters become certified. The certification program establishes a means to judge the
proficiency of firefighters and first responders, irrespective of their department affiliation and regardless of
whether they are paid or volunteer.

Click here to read the bill.

Board Members



Representing Area

John Bennett

Fire Chief or Training Officer/Volunteer Fire Dept.,

and county with population less than 15,000 residents


Gregory  Ward

Local law enforcement


James Klug

Fixed facility dealing with hazardous materials


Kevin Milan, PhD

A person experienced in the transportation industry


Vicki Sullivan

Property and casualty insurance industry,


Kristalyn Olme

Fire Chief or Training Officer /Volunteer Fire Dept., and county with population less than 15,000 residents


Joel Hager

Fire Training Officers Assn


Daniel Pfannenstiel

Professional Firefighters Assn. (AFLCIO)


Phillip Tiffany

State Fire Fighters Assn., community with population  

less than 15,000 residents,


Fort Lupton

Gustave Hendricks

Colorado State Fire Chiefs Assn


Perry Otero

Hazardous materials responder team lead





 Ex-officio Non-Voting Members



John McDougall

Community College and Occupational Education System, or designee


John Huck

Colorado State Patrol



Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment designee


Upcoming Meeting Information: 




Agenda for Meeting will be posted week before meeting.





All meetings are held the 3rd Thursdays on a quarterly basis. Meeting times are from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, unless noted. 

DFPC is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals. As part of this commitment, DFPC will ensure reasonable accommodations are provided to enable all people to engage fully in our trainings, meetings and events. 

To request accommodations, please contact eric.hurst@state.co.us ASAP.  Please make sure also to let us know if you need any of the materials in an alternative format.   

Meeting Summary and Notes



For all inquiries, please email lisa.pine@state.co.us or click here!