Fire Watch & Fire Reporting

Fire Watch reporting is currently required under several code sections that the Division has adopted which requires any facility with a fire alarm system and/or fire sprinkler system to perform a Fire Watch if that said system will be offline for more than 4 hours during a 24-hour period.

By reporting your Fire Watch, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand your requirements and responsibilities as both an administrator/owner of a property and the personnel conducting the Fire Watch as listed below. 

If you have questions prior to submittal, please contact our offices at 303.239.4100

  Report Beginning or End of Fire Watch

Code References

NFPA 25, 2011 ed. A.15.5.2(4)(b)

NFPA 101, 2012 ed.

IFC, 2015 ed. 403.12.1

Requiring a Fire Watch

The Federal Certification and State Licensure regulations require a building owner to provide a Fire Watch if a fire protection system fails.

A local authority having jurisdiction may also require a Fire Watch under these circumstances

  • When there are an excessive number of accidental activations or nuisance alarms
  • During a special circumstance
  • During an event
Personnel Conducting a Fire Watch

Personnel to conduct the Fire Watch are typically determined by the building owner but a local authority having jurisdiction may have other professional certification or experience requirements. Whenever there are multiple requirements to establish a Fire Watch the higher (most restrictive or specific) standard shall apply.

  1. Conduct periodic patrols of the entire facility (or affected area if the outage is limited in scope to a certain wing, zone, or floor) as specified in this policy
  2. Identify any fire, life or property hazards.
  3. Notify the Fire Department if a fire is discovered by calling 9-1-1 (or other local emergency notification phone number) with the exact address and type of emergency.
  4. Notify occupants of the facility of the need to activate the facility's evacuation and relocation plan. If the sirens or public address function of the alarm system are still functional, use them to assist with implementing the plan as appropriate
  5. Determine at least one means of direct communication with the Fire Department. A telephone or radio is acceptable
  6. Maintain a log of Fire Watch activities.
  7. Have knowledge of the location and use of fire protection equipment, such as fire extinguishers.
  8. Fire Watch personnel cannot have other duties besides their assigned Fire Watch except those assigned to the Fire Watch by the local Fire Department.


Note: The Fire Watch will not perform fire-fighting duties beyond the scope of the ordinary staff person in the facility.


Facility Administrator/Owner's Responsibility
  1. Establish, instruct and maintain enough Fire Watch personnel to complete the assigned duties with the frequency as outlined below.
  2. Notify the fire alarm monitoring company.
  3. Notify the DFPC with this Form Submittal that the system is not working and again when the system has been repaired.
  4. Notify the local Fire Department.
  5. Contact the repair company to fix the fire protection system(s).
Frequency of Inspections

Fire Watch personnel should continuously patrol the entire facility (or affected area) in a manner such that the entire patrol area is inspected a maximum of every 15 minutes in the following situations:

  1. The facility has people sleeping.
  2. The facility is currently occupied by any resident who is not capable of exercising judgment and appropriate physical action for self-preservation under emergency conditions.
  3. The facility contains an occupied assembly occupancy


Facilities that do not meet the requirements for a 15-minute patrol frequency should have a Fire Watch patrol frequency a maximum of every 30 minutes.


Record Keeping

A Fire Watch log should be maintained at the facility. The log must be available at all times during the Fire Watch and faxed to the Division's Life Safety Code Manager upon termination of the Fire Watch. The log should show the following:

  • Name and Address of the facility. Times that the patrol has completed each tour of the facility.
  • Name of the person conducting the Fire Watch.
  • Record of communication(s) to the Fire Department and monitoring company.
  • Record of other information as directed by the Local Fire Department personnel.


You may use the Fire Watch Log provided by this Division or you may use your own but you must ensure it contains all of the required information.


Termination of Fire Watch

It is the owners' responsibility to terminate the Fire Watch once the fire protection system has been fully restored or after the end of the special circumstance or event. Once the Fire Watch has been terminated, the owner or representative must notify the DFPC with a new submittal of the online reporting form, notify the monitoring company, and notify the local Fire Department.

A copy of completed Fire Watch log should be uploaded into the Fire Watch Form upon termination.


Last Updated: 2/16/2021